Berloumi, Belgian grilling cheese.
Berloumi has a unique taste that you cannot be compare to other cheeses. Baked or grilled, it has a savory and rich aroma. But it is mainly the texture that makes the cheese exceptional because it does not melt like other cheeses. Berloumi has a rather firm and elastic mouth-feel that is often referred to as squeaky. Squeaky cheese. Thus, a cheese with a special or as we say in Belgium ‘grilly’ character. A real taste sensation, Which you will soon love!

Berloumi, squeaky cheese. In our dairy we make our cheese to the rhythm of the seasons. Each season has a different marinade. In spring it tastes like chili, tarragon and mint.
But then then in winter you will find smoky flavor.

Berloumi | Berloumi organic | Berloumi Goat

In our Zuivelarij we process milk from local farmers into unique dairy products. Each farmer produces the milk for one single product. Recently, we have new organic farmers in our neighborhood. So making an organic grilling cheese was a logical step. Thus, we further shorten the chain between farmers, producers and consumers. Our organic grilling cheese can be found in organic stores in Belgium and Bio-Planet. Would you like to know more about our farmers? Then be sure to check out this page.
With our Berloumi you can go ‘freestyle’ in the kitchen. You can fry or grill it, but you can also deep fry it and last put not least throw it on the barbecue. The cheese tastes great in a summer salad or as a meat substitute. Are you curious about what you can do with our grilling cheese We’ve made some recipes for you that have been longtime hits within our Zuivelarij team. The Dairy.
Check out our Berloumi on the barbecue special !
Other products from the Zuivelarij

Labneh is a long strained real thick yogurt. We make it from sheep’s milk from Gert and Leen’s farm. LabnehEat traditionally with olive oil, herbs and flatbread.
Ricotta from Berloumi

Our Ricotta from Berloumi is a real Ricotta only made with sweet whey We heat the milk whey, scooping off only the ricotta that floats to the top naturally.

At our viVie Cacioricotta we first boil the milk. This way the ricotta proteins, which are otherwise lost in the whey stay in the cheese.
Berloumi Goat

Our Berloumi from goat’s milk we make with 100% goat’s milk. It is mostly available at your local food store. You can prepare it just like Berloumi baking and grilling.

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