Berloumi, grillkaas, apricots, grill cheese preparation
Because there is quite a lot to prepare separately, this may not be our simplest recipe. But perhaps our most festive.

Lemon sauce with turmeric and ginger

Lemon sauce with kurkum

Stew 100 g of finely chopped shallot in 30 g of corn oil. After ten minutes , add 30 g of finely chopped ginger, 10 g of grated fresh turmeric, 1/2nd green chili pepper and two crushed and chopped garlic cloves .

After another five minutes, deglaze with 50 g of lemon juice and bake completely dry. Add 150 g g of coconut cream and heat slightly. Add 2 g of salt or salt to taste.

Fresh, intense and aromatic sauce with fresh turmeric. If you can’t get your hands on fresh turmeric, feel free to use turmeric powder. If you can’t get hold of that either, use curry powder. If you use coconut milk instead of coconut cream, let the sauce boil down for a while. Use disposable gloves to grate the fresh turmeric.

Green lentils with spinach


Boil 100 g of green dried lentils in about 25 minutes until done in 200 g of unsalted water.

Fry 400 g of fresh leaf spinach briefly in a large wide pan, over high heat in 3 cl olive oil. Add the lentils and 2 g salt

Cooking lentils is not always easy. If you want to cook the lentils without breaking them, it is best to finish with hard water (in too hard water they never cook). Therefore, only add the salt at the end or add a little calcium chloride if you happen to have it nearby. Lentils that have been on the shelf for several years will also cook faster than fresh dried lentils.

Berloumi, baked with apricots

Cut 4 firm, not too ripe apricots each into eight wedges and cut 600 g Berloumi into 8 slices. Bake the Berloumi in a pan with non-stick coating. Also add the apricots and bake briefly

Serve successively the warm lemon sauce, the spinach/lentils and the Berloumi with apricots in a large deep plate.

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